🐨 Ukulalala
New exercises every time you pick up your ukulele
- Finger Spread (10 reps)
Place your hand on a flat surface, and gently spread your fingers apart as wide as you can. Hold for a few seconds and then relax.
- Finger Rolls (5 reps)
Place your fingers on the A string (bottom string) on frets 1, 2, 3, and 4 using your index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers respectively. Play each note in sequence and then move to the next string (E, C, G), repeating the pattern
A |-----------0-2-3-2-0-----------| E |-----0-1-3-----------3-1-0-----| C |-0-2-----------------------2-0-| G |-------------------------------|
Practice tips
- Begin by playing the scale slowly
- Use a metronome to gradually increase speed
- Use appropriate finger positioning for each note
- See more tips under Fingerpicking
C Major scale
( 1 )
( 3 )
( 7 )
( 4 )
Develop better rhythm, timing, and versatility in your strumming, making your ukulele playing more dynamic and enjoyable.
- A strumming pattern is when you hit all your strings in a sequence of down and/or up strokes
Downstroke (D): Strum from top to bottom, hitting the G string first
Upstroke (U): Strum from bottom to top, hitting the A string first
Muted (X): Strum with your palm muting (chuck) the strings by lightly touching the strings without pressing down - Start slowly by playing the strumming pattern with open strings, no chords, building muscle memory
- Play the strumming pattern once for each chord in the chord progression
- Vary your force and rhythm to emphasize certain strums (louder, or softer), adding expression to your playing
- Apply strumming patterns to songs to see how they fit and play along your favorite songs
Fingerpicking is a great way to create a more mellow sound compared to strumming. Add these fingerpicking patterns and techniques to your regular learning practice to build speed, accuracy and familiarity with your ukulele
- A picking pattern is a sequence of strings picked while holding any chord
- Strings are numbered from the bottom to the top
1st (bottom) string = A
2nd string = E
3rd string = C
4th (top) string = G - Use P-I-M-A where each finger corresponds with a string, or P-I-M where your thumb covers the top 2 strings (no ring finger)
P = thumb
I = index
M = middle
A = ring - Start slowly with a simple pattern and maintain a steady rhythm
- Focus on finger positioning and smooth transitions to build muscle memory
A | --------X-----|E | -----X-----X--|C | --------------|G | --X-----------|
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